N3AS Newscenter
What can we learn from 1018 Muons? Probing Flavor Violation in the Laboratory
Flavor violation among the neutrinos, discovered in solar and atmospheric neutrino experiments, suggests—and indeed requires—flavor violation among the neutrino’s charged partners, the electron, muon, and tau.
Spring 2023 Undergraduate Research Program
Students in the N3AS undergraduate program work with a scientific mentor to develop their research, and also have a career mentor. Students are directly supported by N3AS, and participate in […]
Signatures of the quark-hadron phase transition at neutrino detectors
Prepared by Anna M. Suliga Core-collapse supernovae are one of the most complex phenomena and most efficient neutrino factories in the Universe. Not only are they one of the sites […]
Apply to Join N3AS as a Postdoctoral Fellow in 2023
The NSF Physics Frontiers Center Network for Neutrinos, Nuclear Astrophysics, and Symmetries (N3AS) intends to make four postdoctoral Fellow appointments for positions starting in fall 2023. N3AS provides a unique […]
Fall 2022 Undergraduate Research Program
Students in the N3AS undergraduate program work with a scientific mentor to develop their research, and also have a career mentor. Students are directly supported by N3AS, and participate in […]