νDoBe — A Python tool for neutrinoless double beta decay

Oliver Scholer, Jordy de Vries, Lukáš Gráf.


We present \nuDoBe, a Python tool for the computation of neutrinoless double beta decay (0\nu\beta\beta) rates in terms of lepton-number-violating operators in the Standard Model Effective Field Theory (SMEFT). The tool can be used for automated calculations of 0\nu\beta\beta rates, electron spectra and angular correlations for all isotopes of experimental interest, for lepton-number-violating operators up to and including dimension 9. The tool takes care of renormalization-group running to lower energies and provides the matching to the low-energy effective field theory and, at lower scales, to a chiral effective field theory description of 0\nu\beta\beta rates. The user can specify different sets of nuclear matrix elements from various many-body methods and hadronic low-energy constants. The tool can be used to quickly generate analytical and numerical expressions for 0\nu\beta\beta rates and to generate a large variety of plots. In this work, we provide examples of possible use along with a detailed code documentation. The code can be accessed through:
GitHub: this https URL
Online User-Interface: https://nudobe.streamlit.app

Associated Fellows