Neutrinos in Physics and Astrophysics

Organizer(s) John Beacom, Gail McLaughlin, Yong-Zhong Qian
Location: UC Berkeley

Celebrating the contributions of Baha Balantekin and George Fuller

Workshop Schedule


Group of 30 people in front of building

Photo of 3 men Group of 5 indoors

This gathering will be an occasion for celebrating the longtime and ongoing scientific contributions of Baha Balantekin (Wisconsin) and George Fuller (San Diego).

Speakers & Slides

Click on the speaker’s name to view slides.

Speaker Institution/Affiliation
Kev Abazajian University of California, Irvine
Baha Balantekin University of Wisconsin
Gordon Baym University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Adam Burrows Princeton University
Joe Carlson LANL
Alexander Dolgov Novosibirsk State University
Huaiyu Duan University of New Mexico
Glennys Farrar NYU
Chris Fryer LANL
George Fuller UC San Diego
Francis Halzen Wisconsin IceCube Astrophysics Center
Karsten Heeger Yale University
Toshitaka Kajino Beihang University, University of Tokyo, NAOJ
Rocky Kolb University of Chicago
Jim Kneller NC State University
Alex Kusenko UCLA
Adrian Lee UC Berkeley
William Louis LANL
Cecilia Lunardini Arizona State University
Grant Mathews University of Notre Dame
Joel Meyers Southern Methodist University
Alan Poon LBNL
Maxim Pospelov University of Minnesota
Georg Raffelt Max Planck Institute for Physics Munich
Sanjay Reddy INT, Washington
Ian Shoemaker Virginia Tech
Rebecca Surman University of Notre Dame
Michael Turner University of Chicago/UCLA
Nicole Vassh TRIUMF
Xilu Wang Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
John Wilkerson University of North Carolina

Video Messages sent by those who could not join:


  • Thursday 1/16, 9am-5pm
  • Friday 1/17, 9am-5pm, dinner at 6pm at The Faculty Club
  • Saturday 1/18, 9am-1pm


All participants are responsible for their own accommodation and travel expenses. Some local expenses will be covered by registration fees. Any scholarships to cover accommodation will only be available for junior participants. Please email if you would like to apply for scholarship funding.