Constraints on primordial lepton asymmetries with full neutrino transport


Constraints on primordial lepton asymmetries with full neutrino transport

Julien Froustey, Cyril Pitrou.


Primordial neutrino-antineutrino asymmetries can be constrained through big-bang nucleosynthesis (BBN) relic abundances and cosmic microwave background (CMB) anisotropies, both observables being sensitive to neutrino properties. The latter constraint, which is due to gravitational effects from all neutrino flavors, is very minute since it is at least quadratic in the asymmetries. On the contrary, the constraints from primordial abundances presently dominate, although these abundances are almost only sensitive to the electron flavor asymmetry. It is generally assumed that neutrino asymmetries are sufficiently averaged by flavor oscillations prior to BBN, which allows to constrain a common primordial neutrino asymmetry at the epoch of BBN. This simplified approach suffers two caveats that we deal with in this article, combining a neutrino evolution code and BBN calculation throughout the MeV era. First, flavor “equilibration” is not true in general, therefore an accurate dynamical evolution of asymmetries is needed to connect experimental observables to the primordial asymmetries. Second, the approximate averaging of asymmetries through flavor oscillations is associated to a reheating of the primordial plasma. It is therefore crucial to correctly describe the interplay between flavor equilibration and neutrino decoupling, as an energy redistribution prior to decoupling does not significantly alter the final effective number of neutrino species’ value. Overall, we find that the space of allowed initial asymmetries is generically unbound when using currently available primordial abundances and CMB measurements. We forecast constraints using future CMB experiment capabilities, which should reverse this experimental misfortune.

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