Distinct neutrino signatures of quark deconfinement in accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs

Distinct neutrino signatures of quark deconfinement in accretion-induced collapse of white dwarfs

Juno C. L. Chan, Harry Ho-Yin Ng, Patrick Chi-Kit Cheong.


We present the first seconds-long general relativistic neutrino-radiation simulations of accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of white dwarfs using hadron-quark matter equations of state with different onset densities and latent heat of the first-order quantum chromodynamics phase transition (PT). The collapse forms a proto-neutron star that continues contracting due to neutrino cooling and the softening effect of mixed nuclear-quark matter, followed by a second bounce triggered by the PT to deconfined quark matter, leading to a stable remnant of proto-hybrid star. The resultant distinct neutrino bursts and narrow mass range of AIC events offer critical insights into the existence and properties of hybrid stars, including constraints on the onset density of PT.

Associated Fellows