N3AS Newscenter
Can diffuse supernova neutrino background detection reveal sterile neutrino secrets?
Future detection of the diffuse supernova neutrino background could help us learn more about sterile neutrinos.
Senior Investigator Gail McLaughlin receives 2024 Herman Feshbach Prize
Congratulations to N3AS Senior Investigator Gail McLaughlin, on receiving the 2024 Herman Feshbach Prize in Theoretical Nuclear Physics from the American Physical Society.
Modeling of the hadron-to-quark surface tension and its imprints in neutron star observations
When ordinary matter is heated up or compressed, the atoms reconfigure themselves, and a range of intriguing phases will emerge under different conditions.
Oscillations of Highly Magnetized Non-Rotating Neutron Stars
Neutron stars are probably the most compact and extreme magnetised astrophysical objects in the universe. These stars are the composite of the most extreme physics within only a few kilometres in diameter.
Fall 2023 Undergraduate Research Program
Application deadline: September 4, 2023. Students in the N3AS undergraduate program work with a scientific mentor to develop their research, and also have a career mentor.